Corpus Christi Reflection: A Hidden God

In Conversation With God Sunday Reflection
Corpus Christi: A Hidden God

By Francis Fernandez-Carvajal

6/42.1 Jesus remains hidden so that He may be sought out by our faith and our love.

Adoro te devote, latens Deitas ...

O Godhead hid, devoutly I adore thee,

Who truly art within the forms before me;

To thee my heart I bow with bended knee,

As failing quite in contemplating thee.[7408]

These are the opening words of the hymn Saint Thomas wrote for the feast of Corpus Christi, and that have helped so many Christians to meditate upon and to express their faith in and their love for the Blessed Eucharist.

O Godhead hid, devoutly I adore thee ... Isaiah had already proclaimed the same: Truly thou art a God who hidest thyself.[7409] The Creator of the universe has left upon it the imprint of his work. It seems that He wanted to take second place. But a moment came in the history of mankind when it was God’s decision to reveal his most intimate being to us. Moreover, in his goodness He wanted to live among us, to pitch his tent among men. So He took flesh in the most chaste womb of Mary. He came on earth and remained hidden for the great majority of people, who were concerned about other things. Some people recognised him – those who had simplicity of heart and who kept vigilant watch for the things of God. Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the Magi, Anna, Simeon ... This latter, an old man, had been waiting all his life for the coming of the Messiah who had been promised. This is why he was able to exclaim before the Child Jesus: Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation.[7410] If only we could say the same whenever we approach the tabernacle!

Afterwards, in spite of the miracles by which Jesus manifested his divine power during his public life, many people were unable to recognize him. On other occasions it is Our Lord himself who hides and commands those He has healed not to talk about him. In Gethsemane and in his Passion his divinity seemed totally hidden to men’s eyes. As He hung on the Cross Our Lady certainly knew that He who was dying was the Saviour, God made man. But in the eyes of many He was dying simply as a malefactor.

Jesus hides again in the Blessed Eucharist under the appearances of bread and wine so that our faith and our love may seek him out. We say to him in our prayer: Lord, you who make us share in the miracle of the Eucharist, we beg you not to hide away, may your face be ever clear to our eyes. Live with us, because without you our lives have no meaning. May we see you, with our eyes purified by the sacrament of Penance. May we touch you, like that woman who dared to finger the hem of your garment and who was healed. May we too touch you: without ever wanting to get accustomed to the miracle. May we want to be beside you all the time: which is the only place where we are completely happy. May we have you as the King of our lives and of our work: because we have given everything to you.[7411]

In Conversation With God

This reflection is one part of a three part meditation taken from "In Conversation with God." To learn more about this rich series of books, or to purchase the volume with this reflection, Click Here

[7408] Hymn, Adoro te devote

[7409] Is 45:15

[7410] Luke 2:29-30

[7411] cf St J. Escrivá, The Forge, 542


Francis Fernandez-Carvajal,

Rev. Francis Fernandez-Carvajal

Rev. Francis Fernández-Carvajal is a Priest of the Opus Dei Prelature and the author of many popular spiritual works. His seven-volume series In Conversation with God provides over 500 meditations to be used throughout the liturgical year. It has sold over 2 million copies and has been translated into many languages.