Meet the Archangels: Understanding Their Power and Purpose

You may have heard of Michael, Gabriel, and Rafael, but today we are going to talk about who they are, what they do, and what their significance is in Catholic Tradition.

First, a little bit about angels. 

The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines angels as “purely spiritual creatures…with intelligence and will.”  With Christ as the center of their world, angels “are spiritual creatures who glorify God without ceasing” (CCC 330, 350). 

It is important to note that, according to St. Thomas Aquinas, there is a hierarchy within the angelic world.  There are three tiers of the hierarchy with subsets in each tier.  At top of the hierarchy are the Seraphim, and at the bottom are the guardian angels.  But where do the Archangels fit in?

Well, the Archangels are a part of the lowest sphere of angels between the principalities and guardian angels. According to EWTN, the Archangels “bear the greatest messages of God to man.”  We recognize the Archangels by name because they are present in the Scriptures.  Here is a description of each archangel: 

  1. St. Michael: St. Michael is the leader of the heavenly armies and is known for his role in defending against the forces of evil. His name means "Who is like God?" He appears in Scripture as a protector of Israel, a warrior who defeats Satan, and one who guards the faithful from spiritual harm. St. Michael is often invoked for protection and strength in the battle against evil.
  2. St. Gabriel: St. Gabriel is the messenger of God, known for delivering important divine announcements. His most famous appearance is in the Annunciation, when he told the Virgin Mary that she would bear the Son of God. His name means "strength of God," and he is often associated with messages of hope and the fulfillment of God’s plans.
  3. St. Raphael: St. Raphael is known as a healer and guide. His name means "God heals." He appears in the Book of Tobit, where he assists Tobias on a journey, heals Tobit’s blindness, and helps resolve family struggles. St. Raphael is invoked for healing, safe travel, and guidance through life's difficulties.

As we know from the Scriptures, the Archangels have played an essential role in Salvation History by bringing God’s message to his people on Earth.  The Archangels are also powerful intercessors for each and every one of us, providing healing, protection, and guidance to Catholics all over the world who call on them for help. 

We hope this helps you understand the power and purpose of the Archangels better as we celebrate their feast day!  To explore this topic further, head to Catholic Answers for a great video and article on the Archangels.