The Eight Doors of the Kingdom: Meditations on the Beatitudes - Scepter Publishers

The Eight Doors of the Kingdom: Meditations on the Beatitudes

by Jacques Philippe

$ 16.95 USD

Format: Paperback

Item #/ISBN: 9781594172755
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The Gospel of St. Matthew Shares with us astonishing words of Jesus: a promise of everlasting happiness, far removed from the usual recipes for gratification.

Blessed are the poor in spirit! Blessed are those who mourn! 
Happy are the meek!...

Fr. Jacques shares with us a profound clarity to the full scope of meaning behind Christ’s eight beatitudes, and in turn, outlines for us a way in which we can live them in our daily lives. We learn how each beatitude gives insight into how we can situate ourselves in an honest and fulfilling relationship with God, with oneself, and with others, and how to confront head-on the difficult realities of life.


Submit your review
DONALD April 13, 2024, 10:29 AM

kathleen February 15, 2024, 8:46 AM

Michael May 13, 2023, 10:08 AM

This book is the best book I’ve read on the Beatitudes. Father Philippe provides an excellent explanation of the Beatitudes. His writing style is easily understood.

ANNE April 26, 2023, 8:03 PM

Judy March 14, 2023, 9:16 AM

Jacques Phillippe has a way of almost instantly drawing the reader to the very heart of the matter, in this case the Beatitutes. He sees their simplicity, depth and beauty and converys it in his unique and very readable style. Highly recommend!

About the Author

Fr. Jacques Philippe is a member of the community of the Beatitudes, founded in France in 1983. After studying in Nazareth, Jerusalem, and Rome, he was ordained a priest in 1985. He primarily devotes himself to spiritual direction and preaching retreats internationally. His published books on spirituality are the consolidated result of such work. He is the author of Fire & Light, Interior Freedom, Time for God, and The Eight Doors of the Kingdom, among others. You can find out more about Fr. Jacques and his preaching schedule at

SKU/ISBN 9781594172755
Product Number 72755
Format Paperback