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A Treasury of Prayers
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“A good Christian acquires his mettle, with the help of grace, in the training-ground of prayer. But prayer, our life-giving nourishment, is not limited to one form alone. Our heart will find an habitual expression in words, in the vocal prayers taught us by God himself, the Our Father, or by his angels, the Hail Mary. On other occasions, we will use the time-proven words that have expressed the piety of millions of our brothers in the faith: prayers from the liturgy ó lex orandi; or others whose source is the love of an ardent heart, like the antiphons to our Lady: Sub tuum praesidium; Memorare; Salve, Regina....“
There will be other occasions on which all we’ll need will be two or three words, said with the quickness of a dart, jaculata: ejaculatory prayers, aspirations that we learn from a careful reading of Christ’s life: ‘Lord if you will, you can make me clean’ (Mt 8:2). ‘Lord, you know all things, you know that I love you’ (Jn 21:17). ‘Lord, I do believe, but help my unbelief (Mk 9:23), strengthen my faith. ‘Lord, I am not worthy’ (Mk 8:8). ‘My Lord and my God’ (John 20:28)... or other short phrases, full of affection, that spring from the soul’s intimate fervor and correspond to the different circumstances of each day.” St. Josemaría Escriva, Christ Is Passing By, n. 119.
1. Prayers of the Rosary
2. The Regina Caeli
3. Some Aspirations
4. Personal Meditation
5. Confiteor.... (Most Prayers Include Latin Translation)
SKU/ISBN | 023 |
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