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Bright and Cheerful Homes
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The undertaking I want to speak to you about is an enormous one: rearing your family. I am much more concerned about your home than about whatever bad or dangerous atmosphere you may find in the street. I am much more worried about the way of life your children will learn in your home, following your example, seeing you live your life, than I am about anything they may learn from the faithlessness and faults of other people. Here is a really important question: Are you giving them that "something"—and it is a very great something—that they must have if they are to live truly Christian lives?
Just think about the kind of world we can create for the people of tomorrow if only we get your children to understand, to realize fully from this moment on, that Christ is really alive; that they must serve the Church and be ready to lose everything, their wealth, their honor, and their life, if necessary; that Christians must take an active part in public life, so as not to let true Life be suffocated and buried, hidden away in people's consciences. Christ wants, needs, people to spread the blaze of love which he came to Earth to enkindle.
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Fr. Urteaga was a priest of the Prelature of Opus Dei. Born in San Sebastian, Spain, Rev. Urteaga served as a a chaplain at a high school in Bilbao, an editor of a religious monthly for lay people, a television host, and an author of numerous books. He held doctorates in both theology and law. Saints in the World is another one of his classics and is also published by Scepter. It is said that his love for God was white hot and all his writings reflect that deep burning love.
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