The Theology of Creation - Scepter Publishers

An Introduction to the Theology of Creation

by Fr. Joseph Thomas

$ 20.95 USD

Format: eBook

Item #/ISBN: 9781594173905
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The Theology of Creation by Fr. Joseph Thomas offers an in-depth and easily-readable study of the theology of creation from a Catholic perspective. It is brief and geared toward lay persons who desire a deeper knowledge of this aspect of their faith.

The author emphasizes the importance of recognizing God as the creator of the universe, and the profound implications which this recognition has for the Christian life. The work describes the divine work of creation in continuity with the new creation brought about through Jesus Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Topics covered include an analysis of Creation in the Old and New Testament, an overview of Christian thought on creation from the Fathers of the Church to the modern period, and systematic analysis of what creation means. Chapters are also dedicated to the human person, angels, the role of science and technology, sin, and divine providence.

About the Author

A native of Bradenton, Florida, Fr. Joseph Thomas carries out his priestly ministry in Princeton (New Jersey) and Philadelphia. He holds a Master’s Degree in English Literature from New York University and a Doctorate in Theology from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome.

SKU/ISBN 9781594173905
Product Number 73905
Format eBook

Testimonials for An Introduction to the Theology of Creation

It has long been noted that modern Christian theology needs to develop a greater reflection on the topic of Creation.  In this popular and accessible overview, Fr. Joseph Thomas provides readers with an insightful interpretation of scripture read in light of Catholic tradition, allied with a reasonable sensitivity to the legitimate discoveries of the natural sciences.  He does so while also illustrating fundamental ties between a traditional theology of Creation and the Church's ethical teaching and social doctrine.

— Fr. Thomas Joseph White, op.
Thomistic Institute, Angelicum, Rome