Catholic Books for Spiritual Growth
We publish books that help men and women find God in ordinary life, and to realize sanctity in their work, family life, and everyday activities
Many of our readers hunger for—and actively seek—a closer relationship with God through His Word. Along with The Bible—which is a given—they’re looking for books that will feed them spiritually. Books that are aligned with the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Books they can depend upon to deepen their spirituality. Books that help them overcome their lukewarmness and live a more fervent, active faith.
We understand. We’ve been publishing doctrinally-sound books for 64+ years—books like The Navarre Bible, In Conversation with God, The Way, The Furrow, The Forge—and many others. At Scepter, we're grateful for the opportunity to serve God through our apostolate of reading. And we are dedicated to helping men and women find God in everyday, ordinary moments and to sanctify themselves through their work. Read more...
"Don't neglect your spiritual reading. — Reading has made many saints."
The Way, #116 ~ St. Josemaría Escrivá