Coached by Paul the Apostle: Lessons in Transformation

by Fr. Nathan Cromly

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Format: Paperback

Item #/ISBN: 9781594175237
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St. Paul’s initial transformation was a dramatic shift from Saul to Paul, from persecutor to believer, from darkness to light. And yet, the scales falling from his eyes was only the beginning: he lived and taught the lesson of transformation for the rest of his life.

In his book, Fr. Cromly reveals the universality and timelessness of St. Paul’s leadership, what can happen if we let Christ transform our lives, and how we can find guidance from this great saint who is, in fact, much like us. Paul is the one who dares us to be impactful Christians in an often-perilous world, and who shows us how to transform our fears into courage, our rejections into opportunities, our suffering into grace, and our solitude into union with Christ.

About the Author

Fr. Nathan Cromly is the founder of the St. John Institute and the podcast Dare Great Things for Christ. He is a speaker, writer, and educator whose retreats, workshops, and seminars have touched the lives of thousands of people nationwide. Originally from Toledo, Ohio, he is currently living out his priestly ministry in Denver, Colorado.

SKU/ISBN 9781594175237
Product Number 75237
Format Paperback

Testimonials for Coached by Paul the Apostle: Lessons in Transformation

Great coaches are truly impactful! Fr. Cromly artfully unpacks St. Paul’s timeless and profound guidance for anyone seeking spiritual growth. Take the challenge and invite this great saint to coach you in your spiritual journey; his wisdom and guidance can be transformational for your life.

— Thomas S. Monaghan
Founder & Chancellor of Ave Maria University
Founder & Chairman of Legatus