History of Philosophy Set
$ 49.90
This set contains the following Books:
A History of Contemporary Philosophy
This new survey of recent philosophical thought, ranging from Romanticism to Post-Modernism, provides a critical resource for today's serious student of Western Philosophy. The authors write from a classical and Christian perspective. While they are consistently fair in their treatment of the wide diversity of thinkers of the past two centuries, they maintain a helpful critical focus throughout. They see that the cultural challenge of our times involves the choice between two opposing views of man, who is either a being alone in the universe and closed in upon himself, or a person open to transcendence. Their discussions guide the reader gently and persuasively to the conclusion that only the latter view accords with the constants of the human spirit.
A History of Modern Philosophy
The History of Modern Philosophy provides a comprehensive overview of the major philosophers and philosophical currents of this period. Authors Fazio and Gamarra, drawing on many years of university teaching, have produced a clear and approachable text that presents modern philosophy through its historical development. This work will appeal to non-specialist readers who wish to deepen their understanding of the cultural and philosophical roots of our time.
Mariano Fazio currently serves as the auxiliary vicar of Opus Dei and lives in Rome. Born in 1960, he studied history at the University of Buenos Aires, and received a doctorate in philosophy from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, where he later became rector from 2002 to 2008. Subsequently he became the regional vicar of Opus Dei for Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia until 2014. Pope St. John Paul II ordained him as a priest in 1991. Of his 20 books, four are available in English from Scepter: Pope Francis: Keys to his Thought,A History of Modern Philosophy,A History of Contemporary Philosophy, andLast of the Romantics: St. Josemaría in the Twenty-First Century.
Francisco Fernandez Labastida studied chemical engineering and obtained his Ph.D. in philosophy from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, where he taught a course in the history of contemporary philosophy.
SKU/ISBN | 10035 |
Product Number | 10035 |
Format |