- Description
This book is a call to action.
Each of us, baptized in Christ, has a mission to bring others into the loving fold of the Church. Stephen Gabriel challenges us to take this call seriously. To bravely be Christ's modern apostles. To spread the Gospel through our intentional actions and words.
He draws on the teachings of the Catholic Church, the guidance of the saints, and deeply personal anecdotes of our contemporaries who have made an impact on the lives of others and who give us concrete examples of how we can make evangelization a daily practice. He reminds us that our union with Christ through prayer and the sacraments is the essential fuel to our apostolic fervor.
This book has been praised as a “highly recommended” “must-read” that brings “great clarity and urgency” to lay apostolic endeavors through “inspiring and beautifully told personal stories.
Stephen Gabriel was born in Quincy, Massachusetts. The son of a merchant sea captain and a homemaker, his family moved to Florida and then to the Panama Canal Zone. He is a graduate of Loyola University of Chicago and the University of Illinois and holds a Ph.D. in agricultural economics. His career spans federal government service and chief economist of a small government agency. His books include topics on finance and on fatherhood, including To Be a Father, Speaking to the Heart,The Indispensable Dad, and Hope for Your Grandchildren. Gabriel lives in Falls Church, Virginia, with his wife, Peggy. They have eight children and thirty-seven grandchildren.
SKU/ISBN | 9781594174902 |
Product Number | 74902 |
Size | 5x7 |
Format | Paperback |
Pages | 104 |

Testimonials for Put Out Into the Deep
Stephen Gabriel prays that he take the universal call to holiness seriously, and wants to help you to, as well. This book is a tremendously practical encouragement to be who God wants you to be by virtue of your Baptism. You can be His light. You can be His instrument. You can, by His grace, love like Him. Take and read Put Out into the Deep and please do share it with love, as you share God’s love.
Author of "A Year with the Mystics: Visionary Wisdom for Daily Living"
Via inspiring and beautifully told personal stories, this book reminds all Christians how to best serve our fellows on this earth: evangelization. It's a perfect gift for graduates, newlyweds, parents, and grandparents—in fact, for any Catholic, at any stage of life.
Our Father set up the world so that there are hundreds of millions more laymen than ordained. This means the primary responsibility for evangelizing the world is meant for us. In his powerful new book, layman Stephen Gabriel explains how the world is ours and everyone in it, and therefore we must get busy with the personal apostolate. His book will inspire you to ask those questions that may seem frightening to ask: "Have you ever thought of becoming Catholic?" or, "Would you like to go to Mass with me?" or, "Have you been to confession lately?" Gabriel knows such questions will change lives and souls.
In the spirit of the first Christians, this book is an excellent guide for any Catholic who wants to become an apostle in spreading the Gospel and our faith in all circumstances of our daily lives. The inspiring personal stories of evangelization you will find in this book demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit, who magnifies our limited efforts to bring our friends and everyone closer to Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus’ valedictory instruction to "go … and proclaim the Gospel to every creature” was given to every disciple, without expiration date. Yet many of his followers struggle to live the missionary dimension of our faith. Like his diaconal and archangelic namesakes, Stephen Gabriel shows all of us in this very accessible book how to propose the Good News attractively, courageously, and effectively to family members, friends, coworkers, fellow parishioners, social media followers and all those Jesus will send to us. It’s an excellent training manual for the modern apostle.
This short, punchy book covers a lot of ground. It is a rousing call to engage in the evangelizing mission of the Church addressed especially, in Stephen Gabriel’s words, to her “advance troops”… that is, to the lay faithful. It offers concrete suggestions for a lifestyle primed for a generous apostolate, and suggests practical tips for doing so in the family, parish, workplace, and among friends. Among its best qualities are numerous, real-world anecdotes that make the material really hit home. This is a readable, no-nonsense book that doesn't shy away from the hard issues confronting modern apostles. Great for novices and veterans alike!
Gabriel grounds the sharing of the Faith in loving and deep friendship with others in our family, parish, workplace, and social life. Even our suffering can be an occasion of helping others to get to know God. The anecdotes of his book brought tears to my eyes. No one, no one at all, is beyond the power of God’s love which we can share in friendship.
Fellow in Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire Institute
This is a book every lay person needs to read and every priest should be handing out! Building on the wisdom of the Saints and Popes, and filled with anecdotes from ordinary Catholics—the saints in our midst—Stephen Gabriel has taken seriously the Christian apostolic calling. This book shows how it can be done, without leaving your family or your job. I highly recommend this book to be read as widely as possible.
Senior Fellow of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology
One of the things I appreciate most about this book is its emphasis on the importance of prayer and the sacraments in the life of the apostle. As Gabriel reminds us, we cannot do anything without the grace of God, and so we must constantly seek to deepen our union with Christ through prayer, the Eucharist, and the other sacraments.
Whether you are a new Catholic just beginning to explore your faith or a seasoned veteran looking for fresh insights, this book is a must-read. So dive in, my friends, and discover the apostle you are called to be!
One of the most important contributions of the Second Vatican Council was the renewed emphasis on the indispensable apostolate of the laity in the world. Sadly, it’s also one of the most forgotten or misunderstood teachings. Stephen Gabriel's book brings great clarity and urgency to that teaching. His approach draws on the wisdom of the Church and addresses the needs of the present moment. This important work guides the laity first to the importance of their own formation, then through the spiritual dimension of evangelization, and finally to the work of the lay apostolate in various sectors of society. I recommend this book to the lay faithful as an excellent instrument for learning to live their proper vocation as leaven in the world.