It’s National Marriage Week here in the United States, and Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. As St. Josemaria said in Christ is Passing By, “For a Christian marriage is not just a social institution, much less a mere remedy for human weakness. It is a real supernatural calling. A great sacrament, in Christ and in the Church, says St Paul.”
With that in mind, here are 8 books about marriage that can help in the journey. Whether you are newly married, engaged, or have been working at it for years, these titles will surely open new horizons in your head and in your heart.

8 Books To Strengthen Your Marriage:
Marriage Insurance: 12 Rules to Live By
Written by Fr. Rocky, this is a book for people who are married or people who want to be married some day. With more than half the marriages in our country ending in divorce, a little marriage insurance might be in order. This book contains 12 rules that will help you put some thought into marriage. And the time to begin thinking about it is before you get married.
Written by Javier Abad and E. Fenoy, this book uses Scripture, Magisterium documents, and the works of trustworthy spiritual guides, to illustrate the nobility and beauty of Christian marriage. The authors examine marriage as a vocation, the nature of spousal love, the true nature of responsible parenthood, chastity in marriage, and the sanctification of matrimony, while also tackling tough topics.
16 Marriages That Made History
Written by Gerard Castillo, this book honors the hidden love adventures of several famous persons in history. It offers concrete examples of marriages that transformed these well-known individuals in deep and personal ways. These are not fairy tales of marriages, they are stories of real people with real struggles, who, through their marriage, were challenged, strengthened, and encouraged to grow in their capacity for love.
Written by Cormac Burke, this book demonstrates that marriage actually deepens, matures, and makes permanent your personal happiness. The author candidly discusses sexual identity in marriage and family life, family planning, divorce, contraception, the value of children, the family in today’s society, and more
The Meaning of Marriage: Family, State, Market, & Morals
Edited by Robert P. George & Jean Bethke Elshtain, this book of essays brings together the best of contemporary scholarship on marriage from a variety of disciplines to inform, and reform, public debate. These studies aim to rethink and re-present the case for marriage as a positive institution and ideal that is in the public interest and serves the common good.
Written by Fulton J. Sheen, this classic spiritual book sets out the Church's beautiful understanding of marriage in a clear and entertaining manner. Sheen presents the causes of and solutions to common marital crises and tells touching real-life stories of people whose lives were transformed through marriage. He emphasizes that our Blessed Lord is at the center of every successful and loving marriage.
Love, Marriage, Money: Your Guide to a Financially Healthy Family
Written by Joseph D. Salem, this book delves into the complexities of financial responsibility—from life insurance to health insurance, debts to savings, assets to charitable donations, and everything in between! As a firm believer that strong marriages are the basis of every healthy society, Joe lends his expertise so that the financial pillar of your marriage will benefit greatly.
NEW TITLE: The Challenge of Love
Written by Enrique Rojas, this book is for those considering marriage as well as couples already married. The author offers valuable advice, helpful stories from clinical experience as a psychologist, and proven techniques to overcome conflicts that inevitably occur in every marriage
BONUS: St. Josemaria's Christ is Passing By has a chapter entitled Marriage: A Christian Vocation.
Check out our full marriage and relationships collection here.