By Carissa Douglas
A couple of items he's still working on - he struggles with carrying a diaper bag that could be described as pretty or fashionable, but other than that... totally blessed, so without further ado:
By Carissa Douglas
I will still wear my pajama pants when necessary, but they'll serve to remind me of the insight I've been given... And I will also keep a pair of non-Minnie Mouse head pants nearby just in case.
By Carissa Douglas
I admit it. Lent scares me a little. It started when I told a priest that I wasn't sure if I was giving up enough for Lent.
By Carissa Douglas
I'm not kidding. The Holy Spirit honestly sent me a pencil sharpener. It's a heavy duty (Panasonic) plug-in that looks like it could handle the flurry of pencils we somehow manage to go through in the course of only one school day.By Carissa Douglas
The other day, my seven year old interrupted my phone conversation. "She's using my toothbrush to scrub the inside of the toilet!!!" I nodded, blanked-faced. I knew exactly what child she was talking about.