Free Resources for Advent

Advent is an important season of fasting and prayer in anticipation of the coming of Jesus at Christmas.  But sometimes it can be difficult to give Advent the proper attention. 

The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas can be a hectic one.  You might have recently hosted family or traveled for the holiday and are trying to get back into the swing of things before jumping into your Christmas shopping.  It’s safe to say that many of us are probably very busy right now and trying to juggle the stress- both emotional and financial- of the holidays. 

But it doesn’t have to be this way.  Instead of allowing the overwhelm of the holidays to get to you, we suggest turning inward, focusing on this period of preparation for Christmas in a peaceful, prayerful way. 

And you don’t have to break the bank to do so.  At Scepter, we believe that everyone should be able to access nourishing spiritual resources, and that is why we have an entire archive of free materials for you and your families to access on our website. 

Some of the free resources we recommend for Advent include:

Advent & Christmas Carols

Tradition tells us that St. Augustine once said, “To sing is to pray twice.”  Make joyful noise this Advent and Christmas with these free songs you can sing with your friends and family.

Devotion to St. Joseph

Grow in deeper devotion for the husband of the Blessed Mother and Jesus’ adoptive father here on Earth: St. Joseph.  This booklet contains several prayers honoring this important member of the Holy Family. 

Daily Quotes to Contemplate

If you do not receive them already, sign up for our Daily Quotes to Contemplate to receive inspiration for your spiritual life every single day.  This is a great way to center yourself and reflect on the wise words of saints and authors as you go about your daily routine this Advent. 

We hope that these free resources will help guide you through this season of Advent as we await the coming of Jesus at Christmas!