Deepen Your Love for Our Lord in the Eucharist: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re reading this, you probably know how important the Eucharist is to everyone trying to live out the Catholic faith. It is the source and summit, it is what sustains us on our spiritual journey. It can be difficult to lean fully into this mystery, however, and we want to help you to do just that. 

Want to fall in love with Jesus in the Eucharist, but don’t know where to start? 

Here is our step-by-step guide to help you deepen your love for Our Lord in the Eucharist!

Step 1: Encounter the Blessed Sacrament as Much as Possible

The best way to have a deeper relationship with someone is to spend time with them. As humans, we are deeply relational, and physical presence with others is a need that is written into our very nature.  We know that Our Lord is fully present in the Eucharist, and that Catholic churches provide Mass and adoration daily, so take advantage of this opportunity to be physically present with Jesus.  As often as you can, attend Mass, receive our Lord in Holy Communion, and visit him in Eucharistic adoration.  Even if you don’t know what to say or what to do, simply being with Our Lord in these quiet moments is the first step in deepening our love for him and our faith. 

Step 2: Express Gratitude

St. Josemaria Escriva wrote in The Forge, “When you receive him, tell him: Lord, I hope in you: I adore you, I love you, increase my faith. Be the support of my weakness: You, who have remained defenseless in the Eucharist so as to be the remedy for the weakness of your creatures (The Forge, 832).”  By acknowledging the humility of Our Lord in the Eucharist, you will develop an appreciation for the gift receiving the Eucharist truly is.  By placing our trust in God and asking him to increase our faith, we are able to surrender and to fall more deeply in love with him in our reception of the Eucharist. 

Step 3: Learn About the Mystery

The Eucharist is a gift and mystery that no human being can fully comprehend.  That being said, there are fantastic resources from theologians, apologists, and the saints on the Eucharist that can help us to ponder the mystery on both a spiritual and intellectual level. Even sitting with the Scriptures, from which we derive the parts of the Mass, can be instrumental in providing context and a deeper understanding of the Lord that we receive in the Holy Eucharist. 

Step 4: Be Inspired

Once you’ve developed a practice of receiving and spending time with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, expressing gratitude for the gift of the Eucharist, and learning about the mystery, our final advice is simple.  We encourage you to simply be inspired by the faith of those around you and those who have come before you who have a love for the Eucharist.  Find quotes from the saints that resonate with you. Speak with loved ones about how they like to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist.  If you’re able, attend events like the National Eucharistic Congress or a Eucharistic procession.  Our God is so good, and he deserves all of the excitement, reverence, and worship we are able to give. 

We hope that these steps will help you open your heart to a more intimate relationship with Our Lord in the Eucharist. For more inspiration and resources, check out this blog post about our favorite Eucharistic titles!