Mary's Month: Honoring Our Mother in May

It’s one of our favorite months here at Scepter: May, the Month of Mary!

This May, we want to emphasize the role of Mary not only as the mother of Jesus, but as our mother as well.  A true mother, Mary is someone we can turn to in our best and worst moments.  She loves each one of us as her own children and acts as our intercessor and advocate.  St. Therese of Lisieux once said, “I do not tremble when I see my weakness, for the treasures of a mother belong also to her child, and I am thy child, O dear Mother Mary.”  

In the same way that we honor our own mother, grandmother, or any important woman in our lives, May is a time to honor Mary for her beautiful life dedicated to serving and loving God.  One way we can grow in love of Mary is by exploring her life and learning more about her. 

If you want to learn about Mary and honor her in a special way this May, check out the Marian titles below!

The Maiden of Nazareth by Javier Suarez-Guanes is a story filled with creativity and love for Our Lady.  Based on real events, The Maiden of Nazareth pairs history with imagination as Suarez-Guanez offers vibrant context to the Marian stories we know and love from Scripture and Tradition.  If you want to get to know Mary on a real, personal level, this is the book for you.  One reviewer wrote, “This is a book that will help you deepen in your devotion to Mary, understanding who she was and who she is, the Mother of Jesus of Nazareth.”

Mary, the Mother of Jesus by Franz Willam dives into the cultural and historical context in which the Holy Family lived.  This book is meant to help readers understand what real life was like for Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, focusing on the ordinary struggles they faced on a daily basis. One reviewer wrote, “I deepened my faith in the Marian doctrines of the church while doing my spiritual reading of the day. This book on Mary is the best I have read so far. Both a spiritual and learning experience. Great read!”

Let’s honor our Blessed Mother as we walk through the month of May.  Mary, mother of Jesus and our mother, pray for us!