
The Match Made On a Train

By Olga Emily Marlin

The story of the Alvira couple began on wheels: the wheels of a Spanish train, in 1926. Paquita would never forget that day, January 23, when she saw Tomás for the first time.

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Help for Moody Mamas
Do you ever have those days when a dark cloud seems to be hanging over you? Perhaps you didn’t sleep well the night before or health problems are gnawing away at your energy and patience. Maybe your kids are particularly ornery and you can’t get them to stop squabbling, let alone get them to do their school work. Or maybe you had a marital disagreement which has left you feeling deflated and depressed. It sure is hard to be joyful and kind on such days, isn’t it?
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The Gift I Feared

By Thomas G. Mahala

It’s a girl!” The nurse announced. After the birth of seven healthy sons, those words should have brought great joy.

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Screwtape Intercepted, An Angelic Letter

By Mary Cooney,

Of course, there is no way I can scale the spiritual heights required, and I have no ‘answerable style’. But since this is just for fun and encouragement, I thought I’d give it a try. Here it is:

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Who was St. Manuel González García?

By Victoria G. Schneider

On October 16, 2016, the Church of God raised another saint to her altars. The canonization of Saint Manuel González in our day is a timely gift bestowed upon us by the solicitous hand of Divine Providence. We might well describe him as one of those saints of the Blessed Sacrament. All saints are Eucharistic saints, but some are more characterized by their devotion to the Eucharist than others. The life and mission of Saint Manuel was entirely and explicitly Eucharistic.

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How to Deal With Defects

By Francis Fernández

The Lord is always willing to listen to us and to give us whatever we need in any situation. His goodness is always in excess of our calculations. But it requires a corresponding response on our part, with a desire to get out of the situation we are in. 

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Our Lives In His Hands

By Mary Ann Glendon

According to the famous opening line of Anna Karenina, happy families are all alike while every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Tolstoy’s lack of interest in ordinary family life seems to be widely shared among authors of literary classics.

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ICWG Virtues and Spiritual Growth

By Francis Fernandez

You will show me the path of life; the fulness of joy in your presence, O Lord. [1147]

Jesus uses different images to teach us that the path that leads to Life, to holiness, consists in the full development of the spiritual life. He speaks of the tiny mustard seed which grows into a great tree

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