
Praying the Rosary with Children

Mary Cooney

This year, I love how the end of the Easter Season overlaps with the month of May, the month dedicated to honoring Our Blessed Mother. Surely this is part of God’s plan. 

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Understanding our Children

By Mary Cooney

Understanding our children can be one of the most mystifying aspects of being a parent. There are times when our children’s behavior or words leave us perplexed and confused:

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Holy Spirit Sent Me A Pencil Sharpener

By Carissa Douglas

I'm not kidding. The Holy Spirit honestly sent me a pencil sharpener. It's a heavy duty (Panasonic) plug-in that looks like it could handle the flurry of pencils we somehow manage to go through in the course of only one school day.
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Growing Your Heart

By Patti Armstrong

Every parent knows that the easiest way to use your heart is to welcome a child into your life. From that point on, love is not even an option.

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It May Not Be You - It Just Might Be Them

By Carissa Douglas

The other day, my seven year old interrupted my phone conversation. "She's using my toothbrush to scrub the inside of the toilet!!!" I nodded, blanked-faced. I knew exactly what child she was talking about.

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About Being In the Middle

By Parker Eidle

a new consciousness of what you’re doing, perhaps a little glimpse of what seeing the face of the divine might be like, and a new willingness to trust those who know the way.

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